Friday, April 10, 2009

Its fun when I am out and about and get comments about my blog. I appreciate the kind words about Simpson the cat. He was a good cat.

This post is a quick informational post to my friends who travel. I travel a lot. Traveling is not really all that glamorous. The airplanes are dirty. The flights are delayed. The food is bad. And too often there is no food at all (update of the old joke: The food is bad and the portions are too small). But security is a big pain too. Especially taking off shoes, removing laptops and not being able to bring liquids through security.

But I must admit the TSA is getting better. I rarely encounter long lines anymore. The screeners do a good job of keeping the lines moving. They seem to finally have enough tables and trays for passengers to get organized before getting to the metal detector. And there are even benches past security to sit on and get reorganized. The new Indianapolis airport has a particularly efficient security area. I suppose that is due to the fact it was built for a post 9/11 security need.

Today I was turned on to a blog by the TSA that is both informative and fun to read. If more government agencies engaged in this level of conversation with the public, we might all have a higher opinion of government.

Here is the link:

Bob is the main writing on the blog, but it looks like he is adding other voices.

Check it out.


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